Facebook Best Practices For Musicians – Your How-To Guide

For musicians, Facebook best practices provide insights into how to promote your music on social media platforms.

Social media is a highly effective tool for musicians. A platform like Facebook can help an artist to get their name out there and connect with fans. It is, after all, the largest social media platform in the world, with accounts from every demographic you can name.

No matter the genre, engaging with your audience via social media is a necessity. It’s also free advertising!

Among your top social media platforms, Facebook gives you the opportunity to share text, images, and video, making it a highly diverse addition to your music marketing plan.

In using Facebook, there are a lot of dos and don’ts that should be followed. Maximize the opportunities available to you and ensure you stand out among the audience of hundreds of thousands of music accounts similar to yours.

Here is your how-to guide on Facebook best practices for musicians and how to navigate the platform.

How To Set Up A Musician/Band Page On Facebook

It all starts with setting up a musician/band page on Facebook. The process is fairly simple with the prompts that the website provides. Here are some of the basic materials to have ready for your Facebook musician/band page.

  • Have your artist bio written.
  • Have professional photos done.
  • Have your music posted up somewhere you can embed onto your profile.

How To Get More Likes On Facebook For Your Musician/Band Page

As important as likes are, they are not the be-all, end-all. If likes don’t translate to people going to your show, buying your songs, or giving you some sort of benefit, they don’t mean a whole lot.

What you want to focus on to get likes on Facebook as a musician is creating a page with images, music, and wording that reflects your brand. If you’re presented the correct way for your target audience, it’s marketing 101 that that presentation will resonate.

What you don’t want to do is to spend a huge amount of time online trying to get new likes and new people to follow you. What your musician/band page is going to be is a hub from which people can get access to info about future shows, releases, and more.

Using Facebook As A Musician Means Engaging With Fans

You don’t have to reply to every person but if you post something and someone starts commenting on it, reply. This will encourage people to stay engaged on your page and let people know that you appreciate them engaging with your page.

If your musician/band page reaches a certain level and you’re getting dozens of comments a day, replying to each one is not necessary. In the early days though, it’s important to connect with fans, show them appreciation, and have meaningful engagements with the people who interact with your music.

If you use this as a Facebook best practice, remember that every fan you make could potentially show your music to their inner circle of family and friends.

Your reach could be vastly extended simply by cultivating the right kind of interactions with an existing fan-base.

How To Promote Your Music On Facebook: Mix In A Little Personal

If your page is all about promoting music then you’ve turned it into a business for yourself and your fans both. That’s not fun for anyone. Mix in some personal stuff and is non-music related. Really give people the chance to engage with you from human being to another human being. Give people an inside look at your life.

Get to know your audience and understand what they might expect from a musician/band such as yourself.

You can post jokes, writing, GIFs, opinions, or anything you like. Look at similar accounts to yours to see how they’re making their musician/band Facebook page into something meaningful.

Optimize Your Facebook Musician Page With Images & Videos

The last thing you want to do is make your Facebook musician page all text and promotions. Use images and Facebook video to engage with your audience.

Your images and videos don’t always need to be so professional or lengthy. Just recording a thirty-second video promoting a show is enough to provide a quick check-in and give people an opportunity to see you in action.

Images and video have a lot more interaction and get more clicks than regular text posts.

Post Regularly On Facebook At Least Once Every Few Days

There are different schools of thought on how many times a musician should post to Facebook. To give yourself an initial guideline, say one post every 2-3 days. This makes it easy for you, doesn’t put any pressure on coming up with content, and gives you some leeway to experiment.​

Look at your analytics over time. See how people are interacting with your Facebook content. This is important.

The data analytics may show you some types of posts are getting more likes and shares than others. Follow what works. Learn what doesn’t. Make adjustments as you go. Facebook best practices for musicians are for you to treat your musician/band page like a business. Because that’s what it is.

Final Thoughts

It’s your hope that this how-to Facebook guide provides you with a starting point on how to begin your social media journey.

Don’t be afraid to experiment a little. Pay attention to what kind of posts engage more with your audience. Keep your audience engaged, post regularly, and remember, above all else, you’re not a social media manager, you’re a musician. So don’t neglect your music.

Keep doing what you do and every few days, take a half-hour to an hour to check up on your social media.​

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