Now Accepting Demos
Pop, Dance, EDM, House, Urban, Hip Hop, R&B
If you think you have what it takes to make it on the Funktasy Record Label, please feel encouraged to submit a Demo.
There’s no need to go through the hassles of trying to come up with a fancy package that requires shipping. To submit your demo, just shoot us a quick email with a link to your music, wherever it may be uploaded or streaming. For bonus points, please attach a link to your website or social media profiles to give us a glimpse into who are you and what you have accomplished thus far.
What Song Should I Submit?
Send Your Best Music
Submit the song that best represents you or your band and where you are headed musically. There’s no need to get highly experimental or to submit what you think is the most commercially accessible song you have. What we want to hear is the piece of music that encapsulates who you are as an artist. Think about it. If you only had one song to play to a major A&R executive, what’s the song you jump to – that’s the one!
Funktasy Records ONLY accepts ORIGINAL and AUTHENTIC music. This means we do NOT accept ANY DOWNLOADED/PURCHASED BEATS & MUSIC (even if they are royalty-free) OR UNCLEARED SAMPLES.
Your music submission must be UNRELEASED & UNPUBLISHED. This applies to all parts of your music, including the vocals, lyrics, melody, instrumentals and the beat. As an artist or jointly with your band members, you must have 100% exclusive rights and ownership to your music submission.
When it comes to links, YouTube, SoundCloud, Dropbox and Google Drive are best to use to link us up. Also, a studio version of your track is always recommended. If all you have is a live performance, this is fine but make sure that the quality is good. Please keep in mind that, as an international record label, we receive a lot of demo submissions. Though we do listen to them all, we don’t have time to give feedback to everyone who requests it. If we like what we hear and want more information, we promise to contact you. Please do not follow up with any phone call or email as these attempts at communication will be ignored. Just ensure that, with your demo submission, you have up-to-date contact information.
What Song Should I Submit?
Send Your Best Music
Submit the song that best represents you or your band and where you are headed musically. There’s no need to get highly experimental or to submit what you think is the most commercially accessible song you have. What we want to hear is the piece of music that encapsulates who you are as an artist. Think about it. If you only had one song to play to a major A&R executive, what’s the song you jump to – that’s the one!
Funktasy Records ONLY accepts ORIGINAL and AUTHENTIC music. This means we do NOT accept ANY DOWNLOADED/PURCHASED BEATS & MUSIC (even if they are royalty-free) OR UNCLEARED SAMPLES.
Your music submission must be UNRELEASED & UNPUBLISHED. This applies to all parts of your music, including the vocals, lyrics, melody, instrumentals and the beat. As an artist or jointly with your band members, you must have 100% exclusive rights and ownership to your music submission.
When it comes to links, YouTube, SoundCloud, Dropbox and Google Drive are best to use to link us up. Also, a studio version of your track is always recommended. If all you have is a live performance, this is fine but make sure that the quality is good. Please keep in mind that, as an international record label, we receive a lot of demo submissions. Though we do listen to them all, we don’t have time to give feedback to everyone who requests it. If we like what we hear and want more information, we promise to contact you. Please do not follow up with any phone call or email as these attempts at communication will be ignored. Just ensure that, with your demo submission, you have up-to-date contact information.
What Are We Looking for In A DEMO Submission?
Funktasy is an independent Canada-based record label with artists from around the world collaborating with our brand. Funktasy competes with major record labels in the music industry and supports international artists. Though we work primarily with artists in Pop, EDM, House & Dance, Hip Hop, Rap, and R&B, we are open to submissions from all genres as long as the quality of the product matches our expectation.
When submitting music, be sure to send us something you are proud of, keep your email/bio short and interesting, and make sure what you are sending is honest to who you are as an artist. Please note, again, that we ONLY accept original and authentic music (no downloaded/purchased beats or uncleared samples). What we will be listening for is your potential as an artist. If we are going to invest our time, money, and effort in taking you to the next level, we want to know that we are working with people who are talented, driven, and who have the right attitude. This is why we advise anyone sending in a demo to put their best foot forward. Do not send in songs that are half-finished, if the mix isn’t any good, or if the track hasn’t been mastered.
Don’t hesitate to be creative in presentation, contextualize your work in a brief email, and impress us with your best track!
Check out Funktasy’s Music Catalog and latest releases.